
Rajvinder – Defiant Vinyl Record Collectors ​

Defiant Vinyl Record Collectors

“Its a form of meditation and I’ve associated music with it.” said Rajvinder going on a melodious nostalgic trip talking about how being fascinated by his uncle’s record player made him what he is today. Between all the hustle and bustle of life he always find time to come downstairs in his basement where his music lives.

“The analogue music make you sit down and relax your brain and its very therapeutic.”

His family enjoys it too following his footsteps whenever there’s a call for it. And believe me, in times like today, it happens more often and its much needed.


Hello, my name is Sunny Arora. I’ve been appreciating music since forever and recently got into records. I’ve met lot of amazing people through this hobby and recently felt like they all have a very personalized journeys. So i decided to capture few of them in most accurate way i could in this new series named ” Defiant Vinyl Record Collectors”.

This is the first chapter of it.

Meet Rajvinder SIngh.